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Saltwater Aquarium

Marine aquarium of approximately 1400 liters on board a 72 meter Super Yacht, fully automated and manageable remotely

Marine Aquarium on Yacht

Luxury and reliability

On board a prestigious 72 meter Super Yacht, there is a unique marine aquarium, tailor-made for the renowned Italian shipyard TANKOA YACHT_ based in Genoa. This aquarium is the result of a perfect synergy between luxury, design and advanced technology.

The project

Aquarium on Super Yacht

Marine aquarium of approximately 1400 liters on board a 72 meter Super Yacht, fully automated and manageable remotely.

For the study of the tank we tried to satisfy the requests of the construction site and the designer who asked for an aquarium that went well with the minimalist and modern style of the interiors.

The tub positioned inside the main deck is approximately 2 meters long and 90 cm wide with a rear wall in black methacrylate to give a sense of elegance and depth. The total volume is approximately 1400 liters and the internal furnishings include two side rocks. A system of hidden pipes and pumps ensures correct water movement.

The filter room is positioned in the rear part of the aquarium and is equipped with a control computer capable of managing all the installed technical equipment. The connected probes monitor the vital parameters of the aquarium 24 hours a day: Ph, temperature, conductivity and Redox potential. At regular intervals the computer performs chemical tests to check and adjust the KH of the water. The entire system can be managed both on site and remotely and any alarms are sent via email to our assistance service and the crew.

The filter room, positioned behind the tank, guarantees regular maintenance of the tank in complete comfort even in the presence of guests on board. The lighting system is LED with separate and dimmable channels, controllable from the IOs and Android platform and is able to recreate moon phases and randomly simulate climate changes: from full sunny days to cloudy days and even simulates thunderstorms, drastically reducing the light intensity by emitting flashes to recreate lightning.

Like all our aquariums built on board Super Yachts, this tank is also equipped with all the technical features necessary to guarantee safety even in the most demanding navigation conditions.


Dimensions: 1900 x 900 x 800 (h)

Type: Tropical Marine

Furniture: Rocks, LPS corals

Pisces: Barrier

Capacity: 1600 liters including Sump

Year of construction: 2018


Maintenance frequency: Weekly


Liters / Pumps for optimal water movement


Liters system totals including filters


Hours of overall work.

Saltwater Aquarium

The internal aquascape is saltwater, with the choice to include exclusively soft corals and reef fish as requested by customer during the design phase.

This built-in aquarium is an example of how today, thanks to the professional technique present in this sector and above all thanks to adequate planning, it is possible to create tailor-made aquariums that allow the inclusion of numerous different species, guaranteeing excellent results even for Yacht board.

When it comes to creating a marine aquarium on a yacht, attention to detail and the pursuit of perfection are key. Every aspect, from the size and shape of the aquarium to the choice of marine inhabitants, is taken care of with extreme care to ensure a unique and memorable experience. In addition to the stunning aesthetics it offers, it also represents technology and reliability of the highest level.

Contact us

Aquariums on board
of Super Yachts

Contact us for any information regarding custom-made aquariums on board yachts. We will be happy to provide you with our support, we guarantee a response within 24 hours.